6 + Best Free WordPress Pagination Plugins 2025

Everyone is familiar with pagination. It is such a feature in a website that will let you move from one page to another by simply clicking on numbers. Though this feature is already in-built in WordPress core files but has some limitations. So, why not have a better functionality of pagination that will give your a more and advanced look. For that we are going to introduce you to plugins developed just for extending the pagination feature. Yes, we have collected some of finest best WordPress pagination plugins for your website.
Why do you need such plugins in your website?
Here are some good reasons why you will need a pagination plugins in your website.
- Give better functionalities to your site
- Improve the performance and quality of your site
- Attract more visitors
Now, let’s not wait and check out the wonderful plugins below:
Best Free WordPress Pagination Plugins for 2025
WP-Page Navi is one of most famous WordPress plugin for making stylish and modern pagination in your site. Make the default pagination even more better by simply installing the plugin. Users can only add the code to their site and soon they will have the new pagination look ready. You will find wp_pagenavi() template tag with which you can have awesome looking pagination links.
Pagination by BestWebSoft
This highly suggested plugin Pagination by BestWebSoft is best for new to advanced users. With the installation of this plugin one can have beautifully designed pagination. Have the plugin in any important section of your site like pages, posts, archive, category, tags and other fields. Modify the appearance of the pagination as desired like changing it’s color, type, position etc.
WP-Paginate is one of the most widely used plugin for pagination. Users will be taken to new experience with some really cool pagination by simply installing the plugin. You might also be aware of the fact that pagination is very good according to SEO result. The link in the pagination improves the SEO of a website and helps in reaping good result in google ranking.
Alphabetic Pagination
One another amazing WordPress plugin for pagination is Alphabetic Pagination. Just a quick installation of the plugin you can now have a new and improved pagination in your site. You will have fascinating pagination option ready in different posts and pages in your site. Change how the pagination button looks by using the available features and functionalities.
SX No Homepage Pagination
SX No Homepage Pagination Plugin is such a WordPress plugin that is useful in removing the pagination feature in the homepage of your website. The plugin has been designed particularly for this matter. It is very simple to use and is absolutely user-friendly.
Pagination Styler for WooCommerce
Pagination Styler for WooCommerce is specifically designed for pagination in WooCommerce site. A WooCommerce site always consists of numerous number of pages. Experiment different styling for pagination from it’s design to the fonts. If one is bored with the simple pagination design then you can install this plugin and make it’s good use. Get your favorite font design, color and size for the pagination and mesmerize your visitors.
Floating Links – Fancy Next Previous Post Links – Pagination
Floating Links – Fancy Next Previous Post Links – Pagination is the best WordPress plugin for to have for designing pagination to a website. The plugin is filled with rich and vivacious features that will impress users to fullest. Change design or color of the pagination text. Update new structure of the pagination, make it a fancy and modern one as you desire. Implement new fonts into your website pagination and even alter it’s color and size.
To Conclude,
We hope the above plugins are helpful for you. We assure that you will enjoy and working with the them and reap out some awesome pagination for your website.
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